新诗之二 - i'm evil

刚才出去回来又收到新作品……真是疯到爆了Ora 开着msn给人kacau果然还是有好处的;这样下去就一直有人帮我blogging了……呃?可是我不是会变成英文部落客?(他一直有叫我给copyright的,所以不算抄袭咯?(^_^)y

Omigod, ora is back

All out of sudden he's running through my shack
I mean shack not sack

but oh god, he just gobbled down my whole back pack.
poor Ora he must be needin some Tick Tack,
for being so greedy and shoving his throat with all that.

mind my spelling in the previous verse which giv me no pat
yes ma'am, teacher, I need to correct them before you put them in ur note pad.

and, oh, before you post your blog using my word, my lad,
You have got to pay me more than you have gave me just yet.

i'm evil


  1. 你帮他PO在这里,他应该很爽.

  2. kimhaur:哪里懂他,不过他一直不爽我没有给copyright他Ora


  3. Does that means you still owe that person the copyright? How are you going to pay? Wahaha.

  4. not going to pay, not going to pay~lalalalalal



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oraclesquare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Malaysia License. all rights reserved to the author.
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